Health & Safety
HEFF 2024 will take place at Staffordshire Showground. It is a mix of outside and indoor spaces. There will be a lot of tents and some live in vehicles, but a lot of the activities will take place indoors.
Safety on site
24/7 First Aid
We have our own qualified first aiders (wearing green HEFF t-shirts) available on site who can assist with accidents or sudden medical emergencies
You can ask any Team HEFF crew member to radio for help if you need to. You can also access medical help at the festival office.
Parental Supervision
Everyone aged under 18 on the site must have a named and contactable adult (over 21) responsible for them. The adult must be sleeping on site, and stay on site when the child is on site during the day. If you are responsible for a child who is old enough to be apart from you please ensure that your phone and your child’s phones are charged and can be used to contact each other at all times.
Speed limit on site is 5 mph (that’s walking speed!). No vehicles may move on the site after sundown. Vehicles must not be reversed at any time without a responsible adult looking out behind.
We cannot guarantee that if you park your car by your tent you will be able to move it again before the end of the event. The camping area will be quite full and it may get blocked in. Vehicles must not be parked on roads inside the site.
We strongly recommend that, after you have unloaded, you take your car to the car park.
Site Evacuation
In the unlikely event of an evacuation of the site, vehicles must not be moved. Follow the crew directions to move to a safe location on foot. Do not re-enter the site or evacuated area until you are told it is safe to do so.
Fires and Barbecues
Subject to weather and ground conditions firebowls and barbecues which are OFF THE GROUND may be permitted. This will be confirmed about 10 days prior to the event. Please do not scorch the grass, and please use common sense. Never leave a smouldering barbecue on a tent porch or close to the tent. Carbon Monoxide can kill silently.
If you smoke, please take extreme care not to start a fire or leave litter and please be considerate of others around you. You must not smoke inside any building or covered seating area, nor within five metres of an entrance to one.
No illegal substances may be brought on to the site. Anyone in possession of drugs will be asked to leave immediately and the police may be informed. For the sake of our community please do not put future events at risk.
There will be no alcohol for sale on the site. Our crew will return any young person considered at risk to the care of their responsible adult, or call the adult to come and take responsibility for their welfare.
As an organisation we do not condone bullying. Everyone should feel safe at our events. While we do not want to be involved in every little dispute, please bring any concerns of a serious nature to the attention of the crew or board members.
If you have concerns about the welfare of a child or vulnerable person during the festival please ask for the safeguarding officer at the festival office.
Flying Items
No drones, model aircraft or sky lanterns to be used on site.
Well behaved dogs are allowed on site, in your tent and in your vehicle. Dogs are not allowed inside any of the buildings or the workshop halls.* Dogs must be kept on a lead at all times. You can read more about this policy here.
*Working assistance dogs are exempt from this policy.
Do not waste water or allow your children to do so. Taps must not be left running. Washing up must not be done at the drinking water taps.
Posters and signs
If you want to put up a sign or a poster please talk to crew members at the event office to find a suitable place.

Health & Hygiene
The toilets will be cleaned by the HEFF crew. Please respect them by minimising litter and mess in the toilets and contact the festival office or a crew member with a radio if there are any issues.
To avoid blockages and consequent queues, do not flush anything that you have not eaten! The only exception is a reasonable amount of soft toilet paper
Please make our task easier by using the bins provided.
Stomach bugs and hygiene
Fortunately, our last few festivals were pretty much free of stomach bugs. To avoid spreading disease we would ask you:
- Not to do anything which might contaminate the water points
- Not to wash out any toilet related items at the taps. Use the Elsan Points.
- To prevent children playing at the Elsan Points and use the hoses there only for rinsing toilet items
- All dog mess must be bagged immediately and taken to the rubbish skip. It must not be disposed of in any other way
- We will be providing a freezer for you to refreeze cooling blocks to help you keep food fresh and cool at your tents. Please use this for cooling blocks only
- Please do not wash your pots and pans in the sinks inside the toilet block, there will be a washing up station provided
English summer is known to be fierce at times – it just can’t make up its mind! Remember to stay hydrated to prevent heat stroke. Pack and apply sunblock as required and ensure children are suitably protected.
We have a safety plan in the case of a thunderstorm passing overhead. Please comply with crew instructions.
Please respect your fellow campers and don’t use amplified music or percussion in the camping areas at night, and keep conversations at a reasonable level.
Quiet zone
Special rules apply in the quiet zone, please keep this area as quiet as possible after dark.
Photography & Filming
Bridget is our official photographer and will be taking photographs around the site. She will have a crew badge. If you are concerned and do not want your child photographed please speak to her. If we use a photograph in social media of you or your child that you are uncomfortable with, please let us know and we will happily remove it.