
Conference Talks

About the HEFF™ Conference.

Choosing to home educate is a significant and life changing decision and sometimes as a parent it can feel overwhelming. Even when we’ve been home educating for a few years, we can face challenges which cause us to doubt ourselves and our ability.

One of the most valuable ways in which parents can find inspiration and motivation is through attending a home education conference and the HEFF Conference is a great place to do this.

In addition to all the wonderful social and learning opportunities parents can enjoy at HEFF, the conference offers an excellent way to gain knowledge, acquire practical tips, be inspired and increase your understanding of situations we face as home educators in the UK.

Our expert speakers, panel discussions and workshops on various aspects of home education will provide valuable insight and information that empowers and equips parents. They will share personal stories, wisdom from their own experiences, knowledge they’ve gained, and other content that will energise, motivate and enrich your home education journey.

So, when you’re planning your HEFF activities, check out what the conference has to offer and make it a part of your HEFF experience.

Please note all talks and times are subject to change if circumstances happen outside of our control. Please check the live schedule (coming soon) for up to date info.

Click the image above to download the HEFF 2024 Conference Schedule.

Worldschooling – Living and learning everywhere

The Conrad Family

Cecilie & Jesper Conrad live a nomadic life, traveling full-time with their kids for +5 years, and have unschooled for +10 years. They left behind their successful careers and big house to embrace a life of freedom, love, and adventure.

They are radical unschoolers who through their podcast, blogs, and social media, inspire others to live the life they truly want. Their goal is to stay true to their values and continue exploring what is important and meaningful. Join their adventure.

Cecilie & Jesper Conrad’s talk at HEFF2024

Join a conversation with the Conrad Family, where they share their nomadic lifestyle and unconventional approach to education.

In this Q&A-based talk they will share their story of leaving behind societal norms and embracing full-time travel. Discover how their values of love, adventure, personal freedom, and strong relationships shaped their path.

Through engaging anecdotes and practical insights, Cecilie and Jesper will encourage you to break free from fear and embark on your own worldschooling adventure. Get ready to embrace a life of meaningful learning and limitless possibilities.

Reading coalesces out of the mist – Adventures in Learning to Read at Home

Harriet Pattison

I have a long term interest in all things HE and a special fascination for learning. I have researched around a number of HE issues and learning to read is of perennial interest.

Harriet’s talk at HEFF2024

In this talk, I will discuss my research, from 2016, on learning to read at home.  “Reading coalesces out of the mist” is a quote from a home educating parent and points to the mystery, the wonder and the adventure of learning – precious elements that all too often are trampled in the rush towards “outcomes”.

We will explore some of the myriad pathways into reading that families shared and consider what, if any, are the common threads. This isn’t a ‘how to’ talk and I don’t make any recommendations – instead it’s a celebration of difference, complexity, finding your own way and falling in love with reading. 

Your Questions Explored – Home Education and post-election Politics

Randall & Mary Hardy

After first becoming aware of the political climate affecting English home educators around the time of the Badman Review back in 2009, Randall and Mary have continued to monitor developments relevant to HE in the UK ever since.

Some of Randall’s material can be found on his blog No Nationalisation of our Kids. Together they maintain an ongoing interest in home education, having witnessed its benefits for various members of their own family.

They are particularly exercised about the increasing pressures which home educators now find themselves under in many parts of the world, and wish to encourage all parents everywhere to be aware of their responsibilities regarding their own children’s education before these are eroded completely.

Randall & Mary‘s talk at HEFF2024

A question and answers question, with plenty of opportunity for questions.

GCSE information

Natalie Amour

I have home educated my daughter since year 7 after she asked to try home education. I have worked as a childminder and a children’s advocate promoting the rights of children and young people and I am passionate about this subject.

I am training to be a further education teacher to work in community projects to support adults who wish to return to education in a way that better meets their needs.

Natalie’s talk at HEFF2024

Information about how to offer GCSE’s at home to your children and young people.

This will include resources, links to free sites, example timetables for those that prefer structure and routine as well as details of some exam providers.

HELPing to protect home education – introducing Joy Baker Fund and Home Education Law Project

Ann Charles

Ann Charles is a home-educated grown up who now supports home educating families across the UK.

Along with other home-ed volunteers, she set up Home Education Law Project and Joy Baker Fund, which are designed to create a better understanding of home education law and ensure it is available as an option for generations to come.

Ann’s talk at HEFF2024

Home education is under threat in the UK with increasing numbers of families being taken to court or suffering at the hands of local officials who overstep their remit.

This session looks at how Home Education Law Project and Joy Baker Fund are working to educate professionals and ensure legal support is available to home educators on the ground, and how you can get involved to ensure the community’s needs are properly represented.

Dealing with your Local Authority – General Do’s and Don’ts


The changing face of home education – people, reasons, practice and challenges

Alison Sauer

Alison is a veteran home educator and home educating activist who has helped thousands of families over the past 25 years plus.

She is chair of the Centre for Personalised Education and a director of HELP. She was also the first person who trained Local Authorities in home education and the law.

Alison’s talk at HEFF2024

Alison is giving two talks this year. The first one is about having a good relationship with your LA and meeting any challenges.

The second is about how home education in the UK has changed in the last 30 years and what it looks like now.

Swimming Against the Flow: Living as a counter-cultural Family

Randall Hardy

After first becoming aware of the political climate affecting English home educators around the time of the Badman Review back in 2009, Randall has continued to monitor developments relevant to HE in the UK ever since.

Some of his material can be found on his blog No Nationalisation of our Kids. He and his wife Mary maintain an ongoing interest in home education, having witnessed its benefits for various members of their own family.

They are particularly exercised about the increasing pressures which home educators now find themselves under in many parts of the world, and wish to encourage all parents everywhere to be aware of their responsibilities regarding their own children’s education before these are eroded completely.

Randall’s talk at HEFF2024

By electing to educate their own children parents choose a counter cultural life for their family. In this talk I examine why choosing to be a family which is different to today’s ‘norm’ is hard work, and why it is vital for the wellbeing of the next generation.

SEN and Home Education

Michelle Zaher

Michelle is a current home educator. She has been home educating her SEN Son for just over six years. Michelle has been advocating for parents of children with SEN and young people with SEN for over 10 years.

Michelle’s first career was in social care (15 + years), but her current career is legal based. Michelle is a co-owner of Educational Freedom, a support and advice not for profit organisation for home educators.

Michelle’s talk at HEFF2024

What do we mean by SEN? Why is it relevant to home education? Practicalities, when and how to get support. Are diagnosis / labels necessary?

Finding and Supporting your Children’s Individual Passions and Strengths

Juliet English

Juliet is an experienced home educator who is passionate about encouraging and empowering parents to educate their children with boldness and freedom.

She has home educated her seven children for over 25 years, and draws not only from her own experience, but also her knowledge gained from working with many home educating parents, within various home educating communities over the years.

Juliet is engaged in a number of initiatives which benefit home educators in the UK, drawing on her personal experience of educating her own seven children, running groups, activities and conferences, as well as her background in Social Work. Juliet’s idea of fun is creating, crafting, and singing.

Juliet’s talk at HEFF2024

The beauty of home education is that parents can do away with the one-size-fits-all approach of the school classroom, and embrace a natural and organic approach to learning and education.

In this interactive session, Juliet will explore: 1) ways of identifying your children’s interests, and 2) different approaches you might take to supporting your child through their self-directed learning journey.

Click the schedule below to download a PDF version. 👇

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